Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pornography - Is it Harmful?

Pornographic images are now freely available to virtually everyone, including, unfortunately, children. And, disturbingly, not all for these materials simply show consenting adults engaging in....sexual activity. Some of it includes violent content, scenes in which victims usually, but not always, women are abused, exploited, and harmed in various ways.If exposure to violence in the media can increase aggressive tendencies among persons exposed to such content, it seemspossible that exposure to violent pornography might also produce such effects. And it would be the Effects of pornography which are stronger than that of media violence.In fact, because pornography often generates high levels of seems possible that such effects might even be stronger than is true for media violence that does not containsexual content. Although there is currently much less evidence on the issue than on the effects of the media violence generally, some findingssuggest that violent pornography may indeed have negative effects.

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