Sunday, August 2, 2009

The battle between good and evil

Nothing in this world is stable. Everything is changing by the minute. But there is one fact that has always been the same since the very beginning of creation and that is the battle between "good and evil", "light and darkness", and in this case I might add "hackers and securitymakers".

Inside the internet because of its nature, tracking the real identity of a person is very very hard. Unfortunately this fact becomes the motivation for many people whom might not even comprehend the consequences of their action which among themselves call it FUN.

Let me put it this way, internet has provided a virtual world in where you can be whoever you want, whatever age you want, and even whatever sex you want and you can publish any kind of rumors you wish to without even being touched by nobody.

Of course on the other side of the story there are people who are trying so hard to make this virtual environment a safer place by producing better anti viruses and updating operating systems, creating more powerful tracking systems and punishing those who do not wish to follow the rules.

But the fact is, for better or worse we have not had a winner yet, meaning that about as many people who are increasing internet security there are jarheads who are trying to break through these security codes and are not willing to be bound by any kind of low or even having a little sense of humor which is being truthful.

To be honest I don’t think there is ever going to be a winner in this battle because where there is a lock, there is a key to it, finding the key might be hard but it's not impossible and mankind has always demanded the forbidden item.

After all if Adam and Eve had not eaten from the forbidden tree we wouldn’t be here dealing with these problems in first place.

Who is the real one?

Every individual has some special believes and wants others to believe them also. Among these people and specially our new generation, there are always some more intelligent ones who use this media, the internet, to make others believe what they want. For example people who chat. Everyone can enter chartrooms in any ages and say whatever he/she wants. Nothing would control the lies among them. They can share their information easily. But which of them is the real one? who tells the truth?

The lie of the truth,

Man-made means could not be without any defects. The internet as a powerful media in the society would cause disorders in values and cultures and would smoothly become more useless instead of useful. In fact, this media created for people around world to increase their knowledge and information. These days, people believe the fact that internet is wholly the truth and is connected to the source of reality. People would enjoy the comfort of reaching the information in the fastest and easiest way and they won’t think about its truth.

Internet and rumors...

I think the internet is a phenomenon of this century.
Internet ages only has 29 and I think it’s very young as other linkage in our world. The internet has grown very fast. The internet makes big and fast communication way for all of people live in our world.
Many rumors are appearing in the news these days. These rumors come on internet Websites and chat rooms. If we think about this we will understand that many news website exaggerate in their coverage of some events and they event analyze them in subjective manner. This manner leads to some lies. For example in many countries because different political point of views exist, you can find different news and political website that cover an event from different aspects and analyze that from their point of views. So it’s important to be smart to recognize the lies and be careful with the websites that we read them.

The internet society

The internet is biggest society. Most of people who using internet believe that all information on website is true without thinking. For my opinion I think that’s not true at all. The people who can use internet can do or make anything from their mind even though that website where is biggest website on internet. It’s still can’t believe if without evidence. Some of website on internet use their opinion to tell story to us, so it’s can be mistake from the fact. These people don’t care about effect to another people who believed that is true because nobody know who make fake story, so no one can punish them.

Big Lies!

These days Internet is one of the well known and the most important source for news. People buy less newspapers these days while they can go through all the news by using their laptops. But not everyone are aware of the big lies in the Internet, they simply believe what they see or what they read. For example in the past few weeks not all the news from Iran are entirely true, but I have seen so many of my friends believe the news that they hear or trust the emails that they receive every days about the present situation in Iran. The other example is Wikipedia, the website that most of us are using it for collecting data, but we are not aware that not all of these information are true, this is one of the websites that everyone can add new posts, so imagine the big lies that we trust and believe everyday !


From my perspective most of the people believe every things that there are in internet is true however is not verity. On the other hand some people have opposite idea about internet. Also this credence has different effects that most of them are bad. Some of my friends say some the example so I don’t repeat them just I like to add this point: in some cases some blogger or websites write an article and instead of writer they say their names or in the other word with internet they can do plagiarism very easily. Or copy writes it’s very usual in internet.