In spite of useful usage of internet, we have to be careful and take good care of our important information and don’t forget "If you publish something in the internet, you show it to the world."
In spite of useful usage of internet, we have to be careful and take good care of our important information and don’t forget "If you publish something in the internet, you show it to the world."
Please look at the comic strip "Rumors, lies and innuendo spread far, wide and fast on the Internet." found in your textbook: Chapter 10, page 280 of Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture. What is your opinion on this? Please give personal and relevant examples to illustrate your points.
Post at least 1 *critical reflection (2%)
Post at least 2 comments/responses to group member's critical reflection (3%)
*critical reflection means:
Hello and welcome my dear friends.
This weblog is going to be a virtual environment for us to talk, discuses, and argue about the topic given by Miss. Helena every week. Hopefully we are going to learn from each other and enjoy the assignment, regardingly as the group leader I need to put a few friendly but necessary reminders so there is no confusion for anybody:
1. Deadline for every week's topic is 12 midnight of every Sunday.
2. Please write your post in Microsoft word first so that if there is any problem with spelling or grammar it could be corrected there and then post it to the weblog (miss spelling losses mark as Miss. Helena said herself).
3. Kindly save and archive the Microsoft word copy of your posts on your hard drive just in case.
4. Unless you want to highlight something in your text the following is the standard format for posts:
· Font: Georgia
· Size: Normal
· Color: default
· Not bold
· Not italic
5. In order to prevent any inconvenience, past the plane text to the publishing box and do all the formatting there.
6. Kindly choose a proper topic for each of your posts rather than "Hello" or "Hi".
Hopefully our group is going to have the best weblog and everybody is going to get high marks, wish you all the best and good luck.