Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dear Lucky Winner!!!

Many opinions exist about authentic internet but my idea is internet is a facility for getting more information. Internet was invented few years ago for some peace full reasons but today in somewhere around the word it is used unfaithfully. People truest the internet. They think internet's documents are true but internet like other Medias can publish fake concept. I don't know why people trust to it so much.
Every day we check our email, account details, academic status and est. Some time we get spam in email that says funny things like "you have won 1,000,000 USD and send us your account details…" Perhaps you have seen some things like that. As long as we receive such this email, it means people still believe everything, even stupid one, from internet is true

In spite of useful usage of internet, we have to be careful and take good care of our important information and don’t forget "If you publish something in the internet, you show it to the world."


  1. Personally I hate this email. Unfortunately some people think that is true and they lost lot of money just because they think, everything in internet is true.

  2. I so agree with you. How dum a person can be to actually believe these emails. I used to get a lot of them a few years ago and they were driving me crazy. One of them was actually rather funny, there was this person who introduced him/her self a helpless teenage girl whom had recently lost her parents in an earthquake and was living in a refugee camp with the worth condition as she had explained in the email herself. Well that person never thought that his/her victim might actually ask themselves WHERE THE HECK DID GET A COMPUTER AND AN INTERNET CONNECTION IN A REFUGEE CAMP???!!!
