Nowadays produce placement is more famous. We can notice from Hollywood movies that do produce placement for example Transformer that is ultramodern movie. In the movie we can see that have brand goods about 10-15 appear on the movie like Nokia, Ebay, Panasonic, Macintoch such as. In dialog of this movie you can see that the actress said “Nokia is from Finland, not Japan”, and some time they zoom in to SD card of Panasonic brand. In this movie you’ll see many screen that not harmonious with plot [Hard-sales Placement]. In other hand, once of movies as like Coverfiled that they do present the product what can mix with plot of movies for example In the time that actor is train station, then he called to his mother to say appreciate words, and the camera turn to the Nokia poster “Nokia connecting people”. For my opinion I think that produce placement is not too troublesome if the producer or director do it harmonious with plot of the movie.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
product placement
Ads on scenes;

I will give you money and you will place my product into your movie.
In my opinion product placement is not as troublesome as what critics say. When the viewers don't even realize that they are watching a commercial, that product placement has been the smartest idea in advertising ever. Companies don't need to show their products directly to the viewer, but they use short parts of the film to present them instead e.g. their car, mobile phone etc. Usually today it's only up to which company can offer the most money to the producers of the film to get show their goods 'placed' in the movie.
There are many annoying things in this world. I don't like paying bills, I don't like getting out of my bed in the morning, and I don't like being interrupted by advertisements while watching television. However, on the other hand I must admit that television must have some source of money for it to exist and I really like the idea (I mean that I really admire the person who thought of it) to put advertising directly in films. Because it is mostly unnoticed at first sight and it isn't as annoying as traditional ads.
However I hate films where this advertising is obvious. In some movie the product placement is starring to viewers and to many times showing is bothering us, this will be the producers' job to manage and put them in right place and don’t sacrifice the movie by product placement.
There are some products placements in the