Sunday, August 16, 2009

Addiction and violence of games.

Addiction of games is very dangerous for kids. Nowadays, we can see from news that has Violence comes from children who play the games. Some of them are thief because they just need to have money to spend to games. Some of them use vulgar speech what they memories from the game that they play. I have example to show you how is dangerous when kids addict of games.

This boy beg money from people who walking.(beggar)

But he spend those money for the game.

In this case is this boy not go to school. He always beg money from another people for play the game. Another example is 2 children have quarrel each other because of one was loss in that game.

Do you see how much games have an affect on kids?What will go for these children in future?This is not include when some people do crime by copy behavior from the games.


  1. These pictures are just what we can see everyday everywhere.but isnt it the parents fault who even dont know where they child is?that boy who is begging in the sideway,is he responsible? of course not.Those parents who leave their children out there in the word of various games should think about these situations.its terrifying.

  2. i'm agree with zahra. when parents leave thire children some thing like this can happen.
