Nowadays produce placement is more famous. We can notice from Hollywood movies that do produce placement for example Transformer that is ultramodern movie. In the movie we can see that have brand goods about 10-15 appear on the movie like Nokia, Ebay, Panasonic, Macintoch such as. In dialog of this movie you can see that the actress said “Nokia is from Finland, not Japan”, and some time they zoom in to SD card of Panasonic brand. In this movie you’ll see many screen that not harmonious with plot [Hard-sales Placement]. In other hand, once of movies as like Coverfiled that they do present the product what can mix with plot of movies for example In the time that actor is train station, then he called to his mother to say appreciate words, and the camera turn to the Nokia poster “Nokia connecting people”. For my opinion I think that produce placement is not too troublesome if the producer or director do it harmonious with plot of the movie.
New Generation
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
product placement
Ads on scenes;

I will give you money and you will place my product into your movie.
In my opinion product placement is not as troublesome as what critics say. When the viewers don't even realize that they are watching a commercial, that product placement has been the smartest idea in advertising ever. Companies don't need to show their products directly to the viewer, but they use short parts of the film to present them instead e.g. their car, mobile phone etc. Usually today it's only up to which company can offer the most money to the producers of the film to get show their goods 'placed' in the movie.
There are many annoying things in this world. I don't like paying bills, I don't like getting out of my bed in the morning, and I don't like being interrupted by advertisements while watching television. However, on the other hand I must admit that television must have some source of money for it to exist and I really like the idea (I mean that I really admire the person who thought of it) to put advertising directly in films. Because it is mostly unnoticed at first sight and it isn't as annoying as traditional ads.
However I hate films where this advertising is obvious. In some movie the product placement is starring to viewers and to many times showing is bothering us, this will be the producers' job to manage and put them in right place and don’t sacrifice the movie by product placement.
There are some products placements in the
Saturday, September 5, 2009
product placement

In many cases branded goods or services face some difficulties in reaching their consumers with traditional advertising, so they prefer product placement strategy for presenting their product. These groups of producers bring on some problems for advertising. Getting messages across to target audiences through television has become more difficult due to several factors: active viewer avoidance of TV ads by zipping and zapping (Olney et al, 1991, as referred to in Gupta et al, 2000), passive viewer avoidance of TV ads, fragmentation of TV audiences and television clutter (Lawrence 1989, as referred to in Gupta et al, 2000).

It seems that consumer today prefer to accept brand images into areas of public life that are “commercial free “and to see brands and their identifiers as a natural part of everyday life. There are number of criticism to this strategy of marketing. For example some product placements which have ethical problems such as cigarette and alcohol have drawn especially strong criticism from consumer. When the hero of a movie smoke a branded cigarette during the movie, the audience will be influenced unconsciously and encouraged to try that. This issue has bad effects especially on new generation and kids.
Besides all criticism which exists against product placement, the benefits of this strategy cannot be ignored. For instance movie makers use brand name products to increase the realism by lending a natural “everyday” touch to its setting. It would be meaningless, for example, to show movie characters entering restaurants, stores or gas stations with no names on them. Unlike traditional advertising messages, product placement provides a way where products can be shown realistically in the context of a movie scene, so the consumers will be encouraged to try them more. All of these issues related to product placement and branded goods and their influences are depended to their content and also where and when and how we present them.
Here is a good example of product placemnet in "TRANSFORMER" movie:
Product Placement

I think the product placement is a big trouble as the the critics have said. the movies these days have become a place for the selling of so many products that they pay the movies just to show their products and use the movie for advertising their product. Movies are product placements, the product is a world view of limitless consumption. and the effect of this product placement in the films is that they will attract millions of consumers, and they also have to use only the products that people know the best and they are familiar with it. like in some movies we have seen that the actors use a bottle of Pepsi instead of an ordinary orange juice with out any famous brand. so this will make the audience to become a big fan of that product only because it was used by their favorite actor in their favorite movie.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Topic 4: Do you find product placement and branded content as troublesome as do its critics? Why or why not?
Please read about Hypercommercialism found in your textbook: Chapter 2, page 45-46 of Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture.
Do you find product placement and branded content as troublesome as do its critics? Why or why not?
DEADLINE: 6 September 2009, 12 midnight
Post at least 1 *critical reflection (2%)
Post at least 2 comments/responses to group member's critical reflection (3%)
Total = 3 posts
*critical reflection means:
- Think, ponder, reflect, debate and discuss the issue given
- Make clear connections to the topic of discussion
- Include supporting details and examples (you can use videos, audios, photos) to elaborate your points
- Use correct spelling and grammar
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Pornography Plague
Psychologist Edward Donnerstein (University of Wisconsin) found that brief exposure to violent forms of pornography can lead to anti-social attitudes and behavior. Male viewers tend to be more aggressive toward women, less responsive to pain and suffering of rape victims, and more willing to accept various myths about rape.
Researchers have found that pornography (especially violent pornography) can produce an array of undesirable effects such as rape and sexual coercion. Specifically they found that such exposure can lead to increased use of coercion or rape, increased fantasies about rape, and desensitization to sexual violence and trivialization of rape.
One study demonstrated that pornography can diminish a person's sexual happiness. The researchers found that people exposed to nonviolent pornography reported diminished satisfaction with their sexual partner's physical appearance, affection, curiosity, and sexual performance. They were also more inclined to put more importance on sex without emotional involvement.
There are a number of compelling statistics that suggest that pornography does have profound social consequences. For example, of the 1400 child sexual molestation cases in Louisville, Kentucky, between July 1980 and February 1984, adult pornography was connected with each incident and child pornography with the majority of them. Extensive interviews with sex offenders (rapists, incest offenders, and child molesters) have uncovered a sizable percentage of offenders who use pornography to arouse themselves prior to and during their assaults. Police officers have seen the impact pornography has had on serial murders. In fact, pornography consumption is one of the most common profile characteristics of serial murders and rapists.
Obscenity and Pornography: Behavioral Aspects
Portrayals of sexuality have existed in virtually every society for which we have historical records. At the same time, virtually every society (Denmark being an exception) has called for at least some limits to sexual material, leading to precarious balances between free expression and social control.
Sex is a deep and mysterious part of human nature, being intimately linked to many aspects of human behavior, including those with the potential for good and the potential for evil. Some thinkers believe that pornographic or obscene portrayals provide insight into the nature of life and sexuality, while others contend that such portrayals cause moral and physical harm.
The controversy over the effects and meanings of pornography and obscenity is complicated by several factors that will be examined. First, many different types of sexual depictions are available, with each bearing different meanings and impact; furthermore, researchers disagree about which types are most prevalent in society. Some pornography contains substantial artistic value, while other material appeals predominantly to base prurient and aggressive emotions. Second, demonstrating effects has proved to be elusive because most of what we know is based on laboratory experiments rather than the real world, and the key concepts that govern research are unduly vague and elusive. Third, one's assessment of the impact of sexually oriented material is often at least somewhat dependent upon the political and moral values one brings to the table, and upon one's assumptions about human nature. The elusiveness of the concepts of research leaves room for value judgments to enter one's assessment.
Finally, efforts to limit the availability of sexual materials have to be cognizant of constitutional limits that protect freedom of expression. Under the sway of the First Amendment in the United States, courts have attempted to balance free speech with the rights of the community to limit the most offensive and potentially harmful material.
Art & pornography: where's the line?

In some points I agree with some of them. I think the purpose of these works is an important element in judging them. For example we haveThe Kiss, marble sculpture, by Auguste Rodin,French sculptor, that we can name it as one of his great master pieces. The sculpture, The Kiss, was originally titled Francesca da Rimini, as it depicts the 13th-century Italian noblewoman immortalised in Dante's Inferno (Circle 2, Canto 5) who falls in love with her husband Giovanni Malatesta's younger brother Paolo (Wikipedia). Rodin indicated that his approach to sculpting women was of homage to them and their bodies, not just submitting to men but as full partners in ardor. This sculpture can be named as one pornographic work, but its nature is absolutely an artistic masterpiece that shows real love and unity.

Pornography - Is it Harmful?

Pornographic images are now freely available to virtually everyone, including, unfortunately, children. And, disturbingly, not all for these materials simply show consenting adults engaging in....sexual activity. Some of it includes violent content, scenes in which victims usually, but not always, women are abused, exploited, and harmed in various ways.If exposure to violence in the media can increase aggressive tendencies among persons exposed to such content, it seemspossible that exposure to violent pornography might also produce such effects. And it would be the Effects of pornography which are stronger than that of media violence.In fact, because pornography often generates high levels of seems possible that such effects might even be stronger than is true for media violence that does not containsexual content. Although there is currently much less evidence on the issue than on the effects of the media violence generally, some findingssuggest that violent pornography may indeed have negative effects.
Here there is a graph that it shows how much people spend or in the other word countries have revenues from pornography. I think this number are terrible . But you can see and judge.
2006 Worldwide Pornography Revenues
Country Revenue Per Capita China $27.40 $27.41 South Korea $25.73 $526.76 Japan $19.98 $156.75 US $13.33 $44.67 Australia $2.00 $98.70 UK $1.97 $31.84 Italy $1.40 $24.08 Canada $1.00 $30.21 Philippines $1.00 $11.18 Taiwan $1.00 $43.41 Germany $.64 $7.77 Finland $.60 $114.70 Czech Republic $.46 $44.94 Russia $.25 $1.76 Netherlands $.20 $12.13 Brazil $.10 $53.17 Unavailable $97.06 Billion

In past few years, an immense industry for the production and consumption of pornography has grown, with the increasing use of the different type of media such as: Internet TV and etc. Amateur pornographic has become widely popular and generally distributed via the Internet for free. Pornography may use any of a variety of media, ranging from printed literature, photos, drawing, painting, animation, video or video game. However, when sexual acts are performed for a live audience, by definition it is not pornography, as the term applies to the depiction of the act, rather than the act itself. Thus, portrayals such as sex shows and striptease are not classified as pornography. So from my point of view pornography is not legally.
Pornography or porn is the depiction of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual excitement. If we see on the world now most of people think that sex is free, so it’s normal to allow pornography is legal, but for me I don’t think so withpornography is legally. Even somebody say its natural manner of human to have sex, but sex is shouldn’t show at clear. How about if person who can’t distingue which is wrong or right see pornography, then they follow into the wrong way.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Topic 3: What is your position on pornography?
Please read section Media History Repeats: "Larry Flynt and Protection for Expression We don't like" found in your textbook: Chapter 14, page 402 of Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture. For additional reading to understand the concepts, please read page 399 - 403.
What is your position on pornography? It is legally protected expression. Would you limit the protection?
DEADLINE: 23 August 2009, 12 midnight
Post at least 1 *critical reflection (2%)
Post at least 2 comments/responses to group member's critical reflection (3%)
Total = 3 posts
*critical reflection means:
- Think, ponder, reflect, debate and discuss the issue given
- Make clear connections to the topic of discussion
- Include supporting details and examples (you can use videos, audios, photos) to elaborate your points
- Use correct spelling and grammar
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Games under attack, Addiction and Violence

These days access to give information for all of ages very simple and different than pervious time now we have some media tools like internet, satellite TV, mobile, and these tools can created better handling for all people life style and give them more comfort and satisfaction. Now a day’s method of parental control is completely changed and it was not like their salve time. It since we have revolution the Mass media. Some of media can give our childe negative effect and violent behaviors. Today when all of us seeing many of kids and children acting out aggressively as a result of playing violent video games for extended during the their period daily time.

Fifty years' of research on violent television and movies and games have shown that there are several negative effects of watching and bad behavior such fare. Because video games are a newer medium, there is less research on them than there is on TV and movies. Violent video games have been found to decrease prosocial behaviors. Prosocial behaviors include activities such as giving to charity, volunteering and overall "helping" behaviors. At last I think some of these researches and article could be very usefully for inexperienced fathers.